We decided to carry out some research into the identity of the band behind the song 'No Sleep Tonight'. We did this is order to learn what could have been done better in their music video and to ensure that what we were doing was not too close to the original idea.

This is the video for 'No Sleep Tonight', their most successful single that reached 13 in the UK charts, released in 2005:
This is their other single 'Jump', also released in 2005:
- We are three girls
- We will be playing instruments
- We will have one lead singer most of the time
- We are promoting the song under a completely different image - less grungy, more girly
- We are all white
- We will be using just guitars as opposed to full instruments
- Our lead singer will not have an instrument
Conducting this research has consolidated a depth to what we want our artist identity to be like.
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