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Friday, 24 January 2014

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

From our audience feedback we recived an overhwelmingly positive result, with many people saying they enjoyed the video, would watch it again and even purchase the single. General cirticisms included the instrument playing being unrealistic, the glitter not being obvious enough and some initial comfusion at the TV concept. After a second viewing many viewers said the TV concept became far more clear and said it was very entertaining. Audiences were generally divided in their opinions of the final section, with some saying it was too flickery and confusing, while others said they would have liked it to have been even more crazy. 

I feel our target audience has responded very well to our music video, especially as we received an average rating of 9. In hindsight, a more professional look and feel could have been attained by more fore-planning and more rehearsals to perfect performance. 
Our primary audience would be teenage and pre-teen girls, with our secondary being boys of the same age. The tertiary audience would be their parents, more likely their mothers, as they take an interest in what their children are listening to, and we feel we provide a suitable role model for them.
To recieve feedback we created an online survey using www.surveymonkey.com, which we then shared on Facebook and Twitter, asking friends and followers to view our music video, and then help us out by answering a few questions. The questions we asked were: 

  • What did you like or dislike about the music video?
  • What genre is it?
  • What would you rate our video out of 10?
  • Who is the target audience?
  • Would you watch the video again?
  • Based on the music video, would you buy the single?
  • Do you see the band members as role models for young girls?
  • Did you find our music video funny or entertaining?
  • For you, what was the message we were trying to convey in the video?
In sharing this link, we directly targeted our expected target audience as they would be users of both of these social media platforms. In approaching audiences in this way I think we accurately were able to survey the appropriate demographic of our target audience, with some older and younger participants being asked individually.

Overall, the genre of our music video was correctly determined as 'Pop' by nearly 90% of those surveyed.

We received an average rating of 9.06, which is exceptionally high and a result that I am delighted with. This poll showed that we have received a very positive response to our music video, and therefore can be deemed as somewhat successful.

Apart from a few (we assume) silly answers of 65+, we generally received results of the expected demographic, with teenagers being largely identified as our target audience.

87.5% of those who answered our survey said that they would watch our video again, which is brilliant, as we aimed to create a music video which would be desirable for repeated viewing.

Largely successful results, with over 60% of people saying they would buy our single, and over 30% saying they know someone who would. Obviously music sales are key to artist success and as debut artists we have been responded well to by our surveyed audience.

Do you see the band members as role models for young girls?

Did you find the video funny or entertaining?

What is the message we were trying to convey in the video?

Here are a few combined comments we received in response to this question, summarising the general consensus view, as responses to this question were either very similar, or not at all.

A short interview we recorded of male and female teenagers responding to all three media products.

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