I believe that the audience feedback was the most valuable part of the evaluation as we were able to reach not only our primary audience but also our secondary and tertiary. We used a multi-platform technique strategy to get different feedback for different types of people. Whilst it was helpful during the evaluation stage it was also useful during the planning and researching stages as it helped to mould and structure our video.
Research and Planning

We decided that our target audience would be girls aged 14-19. We chose this target group as we felt we could relate to the audience so it would mean we would have insider view on the type of video they would look. Furthermore, after recent event, girls within this age category have less role models to look up to in to the music industry that were not becoming sexually explicit. We wanted to become an inspirational female band that would challenge comical men within the music industry.
Whilst we knew we want to target girls ages 14-19 we also looked at what these types of girls were interested in. The word cloud above shows some of the types of the things they liked. We used these more in the creating of the artist personality. This makes the artists feel more personal and relatable to the audience.
How do you consume music?
Primary audience interviews
What we learnt from these interviews is that we needed a song that would provide escapism yet still get people excited. However it also helped to structure our band's personalities. We decided to become a band that isn't sexualised and purely focuses on the music.

Pop dominated the top 40 with 20 of the songs being of that genre. This statistic suited us well as it meant that our song could easily fit into the mainstream chart. However, in the top 40 that week there was only one rap song. As our genre was pop with a touch of rap it meant there was very little competition between other rap artist within mainstream music charts
Click here for an enlarge picture to view feedback comments!
What we could have improved on?
- Remove some of the screen flickering at the end as it was possibly too much? or add more?
- Show the genres for longer to allow people to register the pop culture references
- Quieter beeping at the end
- Add more glitter to our faces!
- What were learnt from this question was that some people were slightly confused by who the genre of the actual band was. We felt this might be a problem however we feel that with 32/36 knowing the genre was pop was promising. In order to remove any confusion we could in the future so more of us as a band instead of switching between all the genres so much.
- We very extremely happy with this result. The video was shown to a variety of people meaning that it wasn't going to be to everyones taste. The idea that we scored an average of 9/10 made up feel as though we could expand our primary audience to include a wider array of people.
This video was the final piece of audience feedback that we did. We used this opportunity to ask questions not only about the media products but also about the brand and how strong they though it was.
What have we learnt
Overall from our feedback I think the main thing that I learnt was not to make our target audience too small and niche. We targeted at a relatively niche group so that we would be able to appeal directly to them allowing us to create a more solid fan base. Whilst it was a relatively wide audience I feel that we didn't realise how appealing the video was to boys and older groups. During our branding with the video, website and album we focused mainly on targeting our primary demographic whilst we should have include more elements which would appeal to our secondary and wider audiences. Without knowing its appeal our brand and ancillary texts were aimed predominately towards girls whereas we could have opened it up. This meant that our appeal could be seen as quite limited. The feedback that we got from this project helped me to realise the wider potential of the band. In retrospect I think doing more audience feedback as we progressed in the project would have been more effective and helpful as we could have seen what appeal to the different demographics.
Furthermore I feel that I have learnt more about they way music is consumed. Whilst I felt that are video was on example of using music to escape, as it was lighthearted, we could have targeted more the other reasons why people consume music. The reasoning for why our target audience could have been found through more detailed audience feedback during the project. This could have allowed us to create a more personal connection with the fans through the music video and album. Furthermore by knowing why people listen to different band ands genres and why in particular they may have listened to our song we could have adapted the video to incorporate some of these aspects. This may have created a more personal connection with the fan base creating a stronger and more successful brand.
Whilst I believe that the album cover and website clearly showed that the band was of a pop genre our premier video may have been a bit confusing as to the true identity of the band. Our audience feedback showed that several people were unclear of the true genre of the band. In order to rectify this in the future I believe that we could created a stronger band genre through more conventional pop videos in order to show the band off better as a pop group.
Overall the feedback was extremely useful and in the future can be used to create stronger synergy between the 3 products and the brand! We can use the feedback we received and improve on the three products.
Whilst I believe that the album cover and website clearly showed that the band was of a pop genre our premier video may have been a bit confusing as to the true identity of the band. Our audience feedback showed that several people were unclear of the true genre of the band. In order to rectify this in the future I believe that we could created a stronger band genre through more conventional pop videos in order to show the band off better as a pop group.
Overall the feedback was extremely useful and in the future can be used to create stronger synergy between the 3 products and the brand! We can use the feedback we received and improve on the three products.
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