Name: Sophie Grant
Occupation: Student
Radio Station: Radio 1
Radio Station: Radio 1
Personality Traits: Sassy, quite girly, quirky, carefree
Interests: Sophie enjoys partying, running, getting dressed up
Favourite Genres: Pop
How we will target: Sophie will find our band very relatable as we are only a few years older than her. This will cause her to look up to us. We are also glamorous and are presented within our music video as having similar interests to that of a normal girl like Sophie e.g. partaking in sleepovers. Sophie is likely to spend a lot of time on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Therefore, we will target her with our official Facebook page but also with our personal twitters which we will use to tweet about what's occurring in our lives, as well as advertising the band. This ensures that Sophie feels close to us and finds us very likable. Girls Sophie's age may also be very interested in other social networks such as Instagram and Keek, so our band will have accounts on there too.
Age: 18
Occupation: Student
Radio Station: Capital
Radio Station: Capital
Personality Traits: Party Animal, Flirty
Interests: Patrick enjoys listening to music that puts him in a good mood and a regular partyer.
Favourite Genres: Dance
Name: Nicky Bird
Age: 48
Occupation: Parent/Council Worker
Radio Station: Heart
Personality Traits: Sensible, Girly, Motherly
Interests: Nicky enjoys gardening, going shopping, listening to music on her iPod and in the car
Favourite Genres: Club Classics
How we will target: We want our band to have a clean reputation that parents like Nicky will agree with. Bands like the pussycat dolls are less likeable to older generations. As girl pop groups would've been popular when Nicky was younger, she will be likely to like 'All That Glitters' as it is familiar to her generation. We will target Nicky by appealing to her children. Therefore she will be exposed to the music around the house and grow to enjoy it.
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